The Argument Moses in effect declareth the things which are here chiefly to be considered: First, that the world, and all things therein, were created by God, and that man being placed in this great Tabernacle of the world to behold God's wonderful works, and to praise his Name for the infinite graces, wherewith he had endued him, fell willingly from God through disobedience; who yet for his own mercies' sake restored him to life, and confirmed him in the same by his promise of Christ to come, by whom he should overcome Satan, death and hell. So she called his name Moses, saying, Because I drew him out of the water., How complete was Moses understanding of Gods calendar? The third construction feature is what allowed Noah to see just the horizon. On the sixteenth they travel and camp on the seventeenth, a day of rest. There are also times of servitude under Philistine, Midian, and Ammon of 111 years. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from His work which God had created and made. The word sanctified is number 6942 in Strongs, and means to be set apart as holy, making it a very special day. (Add only the two years after the flood.). He begins in his 4th year as king. Therefore, Gods calendar was, and still is, set only by the math that tracks the earth circling the sun, while the moon circles the earth. How many years after Moses did Jesus come? 9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; 10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brothers name was Joktan.. Heralded as " [one] of the most powerful voices of our time" by the Los Angeles Times, bass-baritone Davne Tines has come to international attention as a path-breaking artist whose work not only encompasses a diverse repertoire but also explores the social issues of today. Of what was the destruction of Sodom a sample? Moses was born in 1713 BC died in 1592 BC the 40th year in the Wilderness. Probably during the same 80 years of rest of Ehud. Noah could not see the moon and its position once he was enclosed in the ark, including the initial forty days of rain, plus the next one hundred fifty days of rain that God used to maintain the fifteen cubits above the highest mountain, and the last one hundred and fifty days it took for the waters to dissipate. In ancient times, twelve thirty-day months were used making a total of 360 days for the year. And obviously, we feel like we've been living with Moses. Why did God say, Cursed be Canaan? Moses lead Israel out of Egypt in 1513 BCE when he was 80 years old, so he was born in 1593 BCE, he lived to be 120 yeas old dying in 1473 BCE. It is clear from this text that until the roof was removed Noah could not look down to see for himself if the flood had ended, which also means that he could not look up to see the sky for any kind of observation, such as the sighting of the moon for its position. You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubic from above. The word for window here is number 6672 in Strongs, and should be translated an opening. This window space is often thought of like a modern window made of glass in the side of the ark that could be opened. The Flood (1656 years from Adam) Shem Ham Japheth 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 Age of Innocence . (Rom 5:12-14). This clearly shows that it is the travel time of the earth and moon orbiting the sun that dictates the addition of a 13th month. How many generations were there between Noah and Jesus? The opening extended all the way around the ark and was necessary to supply fresh air for all on board. There is no reference to his total years as a judge or the leader of. As the earth continues moving around the sun on its second trip, which is year two, after 24 cycles of the moon about the earth, it is now 21 days short in its second trip around the sun or the second solar year. Galatians 3:16 to 19. And it came to pass at the end of 430 years on that very same day it came to pass that all the armies of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt. 3. This was possible, in part, because Adam lived to be 930 years old. The Creation. Using the seventh day proves the Bible to be historically accurate the Word of an All-Knowing God! Perhaps the destruction and confusion at Babel took place in the days of Peleg. Noah was six hundred years old when the flood waters were on the earth. Gen. 8:13. Every member of the human race came from Adam and from Noah. All that has been pointed out about the exact passage of time during the flood year Noahs actions and the important construction details - were understood by Moses. 14. [4] The 374 years between the Edict of Cyrus and the re-dedication of the Second Temple by the Maccabees complete the 4,000 year cycle. Reference Genesis 1:14-18. Adam Mintz . There is approximately 1600 years between Moses and Christ. The time from Adam to Noah, at the time of the flood, is 1,656 years. Yeshua /Jesus called this "the day of thy visitation" in Luke 19:41-44. Before looking at the details of the arks construction it is necessary to understand the outer shape of the ark. Before 4000 BC. The system God had Moses record in Exodus 12 was moon based. It did not settle upon the ground until after the waters had fully abated. They moved from Etham and turned back to Pi Hiroth, which is east of Baal Zephon; and they camped near Migdol. Permissions All Rights Reserved. Verse 40 is not saying that the children of Israel lived in Egypt for 430 years, but that the ones presently living in Egypt had been sojourning as a group for that amount of years. To calculate total years since the captivity of Judah to the present time we will have to base our calculation on historical records. The human race was under a universal Divine law, "the law of sin and death". This was because God directed what Moses preserved in His word. Totally Adam to Jesus is 62 generations. The tenth day of the seventh month of the second year was a Monday, the first of October in 1527 BC. Exodus 12 gives the answer in verses 1 through 3. There is no reference to his total years as a judge or the leader of Israel. Genesis 1. Again, it is the travel time that dictates the 13th month and not the use of the spring equinox or some celestial phenomenon. How do the protagonist assert conflicts and resolutions on the hierarchical state of affairs of the country. 7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. 33:7 & 8. In the flood account there are two different words translated as dried. Although Terah descended from Shem and from Eber, he was an idolater (Joshua 24:2) and certainly neither an Israelite nor a Jew. The record of this Calculated Calendar actually accounts for every day given in Exodus 12:40-42. 16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! It is known that Israel left the Mount of God by reading Num. Here we see the beginning of nations, the beginning of tongues, and therefore, the beginning of wars among the nations. 2448 The mid 6th dyn. Gods calendar is determined by the astronomical cycle which is 19 years and is known to astronomers as THE METONIC CYCLE. The seven day rotation of the Sabbath must be maintained. 1,656 years The 430 years could not represent the time they spent living in Egypt because their sojourn there began in the latter half of Josephs generation, followed by the next generation, which produced Moses who led Israel out of Egypt, accounting for about 120 years of slavery there. This rounds out to about 1100 years. Validate by going through Biblical genealogy and chronology that Yeshua /Jesus lived on the earth around 4,000 years from the creation of Adam Learn the Biblical themes, reasons, pattern/blueprint, and stages of Gods people being exiled from and returning back to the land of Israel. There remains an additional, undisputable truth that Moses recorded, inspired by God, that proves the calculated calendar accurately records Bible history. Noah lived 350 years after the flood. There is no statement in the Bible that leads to any other conclusion. Ask yourself these questions. The testaments of the patriarchs of Genesis resembles a book of testaments by the patriarchs, a theme followed by the Book of the Testaments of the Patriarchs, a book that dates to the generation after the exile, yet that may have been partly written during the later exile, a time of much literary activity that was probably intended to prove to Cyrus the justification for releasing the Israelites back to their homeland. And the apostle Paul confirms a period of 430 years (Ga.3:16-17). Although we do not know the precise year of Creation and Adam's fall into sin, what we do know is that Adam was 130 years old when his son Seth was born. Jesus died on April 1st, 33 CE (AD), so it has been 1986 years since his death. The Bible gives us dates to work with starting in Genesis chapters 5 & 11. Abraham (Abram) met Melchisedec before there were any Israelites or Jews, even before Jacob was born, even several years before uncircumcised Abram became circumcised Abraham. In the Gregorian calendar which we presently use we say twelve months equals one year. As the earth circles the sun, the moon is circling the earth. And they journeyed from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came to the Wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after they departed from the land of Egypt.. As the earth continues to circle the sun it never regains its original position until after 19 years. Adding the succeeding genealogies recorded in Genesis chapters 10 and 11, the time span from Jesus to the present is around 6,000 years, according to some estimates. What happened to Christ after He had offered one sacrifice for sin? Not not 2000 years ago. 23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their fathers nakedness. What appears to be part of a simple ancestor narrative in Genesis, the Abraham/Sarah cycle (11:27 through 25:11) may be a programmatically dramatic and even idealized test of the character and role of G-d. Exegetical study of the portion focuses on patterns of language and forms at play in the text taken in its historical context, enabling us to come to an understanding of its communitive functions, effects,1 and actual meaning intended by the authors and redactors.2 At least one serious scholar suggests that the text was deliberately shaped to raise questions of divine fairness and fidelity.3 The cycle begins, expands, and ends with deliberate details which create suspense, confusion, and doubt around promises made by G-d. Noah released the birds on the 12th day of the 11th month (Shev), a Monday, which explains that he did not have prior knowledge of how long the flood would remain on the earth; thus his log of the passage of time for the flood year. Therefore it roosted on the top of it. Genesis 5:27. Total years + Time of Judean kings = Total years since Adam. Noah would only have to look down through the open window to see if the flood had ended. Ararat not because it was physically stuck but because God wanted it there. A Hebrew? From Adam to Moses was about 2500 years. 20, verses 8 through 10. 12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and It shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. Because each Sabbath is repeated in the same order in each of the 247-year cycles, it also means that every High Day Sabbath will fall on a fixed day in those 247 years. Adam however lived to be 930 years old as found in Genesis 5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. It is the number, 430 in verses 40 thru 42 that has puzzled men for centuries. The slanted roof with the large overhang was an absolute necessity to insure that no rain could enter the ark. since Adam + 215 = 2513 yrs. Total years + Time of Judean kings = Total years since Adam. That is, 365 and not quite a quarter rotation of the earth, making up the solar year. The period between Abraham's call to enter Canaan (AM 2021) and Jacob's entry into Biblical Egypt is 215 years , calculated from the ages of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the period in Egypt is stated in the Book of Exodus (12:40) as 430 years , although the Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch texts both give only 430 The period of time he wrote those books were between 1657 BCE to 1473 BCE. This would include the search for the green ears spoken of in Exodus 12. God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33). It is by understanding the Sabbaths of the first month and how they connect to the second month which determines the number of days in the first month. The first Pentecost was the giving of the law by God from the mountain, but in the second year a Passover was observed as recorded in Num. He gives us a single mathematical formula to designate His holy days, which has, at its foundation, the seven-day week. Genesis 11:10 to 32 and Genesis 21:5. Because the Israelites where slaves for so long in Egypt, when God delivered them in circa 1446 BC, He gave His Law to Moses on the tablets which the Children of Israel accepted and entered into the covenant with God promising to obey God's Law (Deuteronomy 5:27). In the list of the patriarchs of Genesis 5 there are two men who stand out; Enoch and Noah. A farmer has 19 sheep All but 7 die How many are left? This would mean that the time between Moses (pbuh) and David (pbuh) was around 366 years. He made the stars also. Since there are no specific dates found in the scriptures we will have to trust in the accuracy of recorded history and archeological findings. Thirdly, he assureth us by the examples of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the rest of the Patriarchs, that his mercies never fail them, whom he chooseth to be his Church, and to profess his Name in earth, but in all their afflictions and persecutions he ever assisteth them, sendeth comfort, and delivereth them. 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