Across Ethiopia, nearly 9 million people are in need of food assistance. How much of Ethiopias land is under cultivation? The author declares that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this review article. The overall food prices in Ethiopia were inflated from 7.4 to 15.8% between the years of 20142019 ( Increasing food demands through intensive competition on the available natural resources are the root causes of increasing greenhouse gas emissions, massive deforestation, losses of flora and fauna species, and land degradation (FAO, 2016), soil nutrient depletion, water scarcities particularly freshwater, violations or conflicts of interest, shortage of food availability, disrupt access to food and health care and undermining of social protection systems are pushing many affected people back into poverty. Why poverty? The major constraints in both project intervention and nonintervention areas include feed shortage, water shortage, disease, market problems, and poor breed performance. Overcoming these challenges requires a greater commitment of the governments, nongovernment, and other international organizations to assurance the peoples basic needs and inspire the citizens to commercialize agriculture through improving infrastructures, provision of incentives, and export the agricultural commodities. In addition, it is required that establishing a policy of investment that supports producing hybrid cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry. The rate of deforestation has been increasing year after year with an . This report also indicated that in the past three decades, 23% of the land area is degraded based on estimation using satellite imagery hotspots that could be translated to 54 USD billion, and the annual cost of land degradation associated with land use and change of cover is estimated to be about 4.3 USD billion. The country has also a great variety of climate and soil types that enables it to grow a diversity of horticultural crops. Limited technology and education are perhaps the largest difficulties that smallholder farmers in Ethiopia struggle with. Generally the adverse consequences of global changes have the most significant effects on the poorest and most vulnerable, who historically have had limited entitlements and opportunities for growth. Table 3. Key constraints to agricultural productivity in Ethiopia include low availability of improved or hybrid seed, lack of seed multiplication capacity, low profitability and efficiency of fertilizer use due to the lack of complimentary improved practices and seed, and lack of irrigation and water constraints. This is an impediment to increasing yield and rather leads to poverty and food insecurity. Working together to achieve food security is becoming a requirement in the current era. However, in contrast to this finding, Aragie (2013) reported that in the past four decades the annual temperature increased by 0.37C per decade. 1. The impacts of the mentioned problems vary across the country, and from place to place. According to the World Bank, Ethiopia spent 26.3% of its government expenditure and 4.5% of its GDP on education provision in 2013. Major problems of Ethiopian agriculture are: unemployment, wetland waterlogging, salinity in arid and semi-arid regions, acidity in areas with excessive rainfall, Degree of the world`s land degradation (source: WWF (World wide fund), 2016), Figure 3. Five major cereals (teff, wheat, maize, sorghum, and barley) are the core of Ethiopias agriculture and food economy, accounting for about three-fourths of the total area cultivated, 29 percent of agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) in 2005/06 (14 percent of total GDP), and 64 percent of calories consumed (FAO . Within the country, there is a lack of improved seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation. The rapidly increasing populations, depletion of soil fertility, landlessness, climate change, deforestation, and degradation of natural resources are serious problems of developing nations that need urgent actions. Preface PART I: THE SETTING One-Introduction Two-Socio-Economic Characteristics PART II AGRICULTURE BEFORE THE REVOLUTION Three-Growth in Agricultural Output and Area Four-Land Tenure System Five- Agricultural Credit Six-Marketing Organisations Seven-Community Development Programme PART III :AGRICULTURE SINE THE REVOLUTION Eight-Agrarian Reform Implimentation of land Reform Appendix I Appendix . Most of the Ethiopian water flows to the Western direction (69.83%), following to Eastern (33.34%) as indicated in Table 11. Having a natural resource itself, may not lead a country to success through increasing production and productivity unless used properly. It has also plenty of groundwater (Ayalew, 2018). Vertically coordinated, more organized food systems offer standardized food for urban areas and formal employment opportunities for both rural and urban areas. Despite numerous challenges of agricultural activities, Ethiopia has marvelous opportunities like a commercial farming investment on fruit, vegetable, ornamental plants, and beef; the huge number of the labor force, water resources, and proximity to the Middle East and other African countries to ship products within a short period of time. Ethiopia has a high-level strategy to pursue agriculture-based industrialisation with a goal of achieving middle income country status by 2025 with no net increase in carbon emissions. Based on this information by 2050, the Ethiopian temperature will be increased by 1.72.1C than the present (Befikadu et al., 2019). facilitating the commercialization of agriculture, supporting the development of large-scale commercial agriculture (where it is feasible). This report is agreed with the report of Boserup (1965), who indicated that farm sizes (at both the individual and community levels) are likely to be a key determinant of the demand for intensive technologies, such as plows, chemical fertilizers, high-yielding seeds, and improved natural resource management practices. Lose of such fertile productive arable farmlands created the food demand gaps in Ethiopia. Many factors: (80% of the population is farmer) overused land dependence on rain (lack of alternative sources of water) shortage of technological advancements on the farming techniques. The same could be a blessing provided that natural resources could be utilized as it is needed by the labor force. Ethiopia is vulnerable to climate change. 1. These situations have resulted in the losses of resources, the rising tide of hunger and poverty. Non-Implementation of Government Policies. The mono-cropping system of some crops in the central highland of Ethiopia also led to nutrient depletion (Merga & Ahmed, 2019). Shallot, garlic, potatoes and chillies are mainly produced under . Salinity and Sodicity/alkalinity are the major problems that resulted in the valley due to irrigation practices in the enterprise. Shortage of finance is one of the major problems facing small farmers. Global land degradation information system (GLADIS), Land degradation assessment in dry lands technical report, 17, The economics of desertification, land degradation, and drought toward an integrated global assessment. In Ethiopia, more than 40% of the population is below the age of 15 (CIA (Central intelligence agency) World Factbook, 2019; For instance, rainfall is one of the most noticed climate variables in the country. Ethiopias population is growing into the 21st century with their generationally acquired wisdom and skills. Ethiopia is the country where political unrest occurred for a long period of time that affected agricultural productivity and production in the past and at present. Particularly, the GOE under the new administration has given renewed emphasis to develop the agriculture sector and ensure food security. continue to threaten several lives in Ethiopia today. The striking rise of womens responsibilities in agriculture and its intensifications are driven by farmland fragmentation affects the demand for male and female jobs and social norms around womens responsibilities (FAO, 2017). Depressed commodity prices are the leading cause of this drop in exports. Variations and fluctuations in rainfall and temperature compromise, among others, the productive performances of the agricultural sector and make rural households at risk. The technological input like synthetic chemical fertilizers has also increased the acidity of soil from time to time in high rainfall areas. But this situation is exacerbated by man-made factors like deforestation, cultivation, or plowed vertical along a downslope direction that increases runoff and soil erosion (Bishaw, 2001). The traditional vegetables of Ethiopia have the potential for increased production and expansion of use to areas where they are less popular or not known at all. These older farmers might be discriminated against accessing credit, training, and other income-generating resources (FAO, 2017). Current challenges facing the global food system. In some parts, utilization of the water resources is hindered because of the undulating topography of the country. The northern part of Ethiopia is highly affected historically by drought/famine several times. Environmental issues such as water pollution (as a result of agricultural and industrial runoffs, etc. Its rate has increased with increasing of Ethiopians, overgrazes, deforestations, utilizes of dung, and crop residues for fuel and other uses. Arthropod pests such as locust (Schistocerca gregaria), fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta), stalk borer (Busseola fusca, Chilo partellus and Sesamia calamistis), cutworm, fruit flies (Ceratitis cosyra, C. fasciventris, C. rosa, C. anonae, and C. capitata, Bactrocera dorsalis, B. invadens), termites (Macrotermes, Odontotermes, Microtermites, etc), weevils [(Sitophilus spp. improper handling and lack of packaging and refrigerated storage facilities are the major problems . The global food system is expected to provide safe and nutritious food to a population that will likely grow from 7.5 billion people today, to nearly 10 billion by 2050. Ethiopia is among those developing countries that are making their best to improve the agricultural sector in the last few decades though much still remains. Overcoming these challenges is not an easy task. Having a high population is the resource itself in the development of the economy, but the wellbeing of having a high population is utilized for politicizing in terms of political propaganda rather than engaging the economy in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, agriculture is started during the Neolithic revolution era, ten thousand years ago. It is too old in the case of the current context or generations. Alluvial beds of major rivers close to 16%. Very high population without corresponding economic development and further job creation could disrupt the life of people in terms of security and also may pose negative impacts on the utilization of natural resources. Therefore, farm size affects agricultural sustainability in the economy, social aspects, and environmental performance of agricultural production, for instance, increasing farm size has a positive impact on farmers net profit, economic benefits, technical and labor efficiency with mean coefficients of 0.005, 0.02, and 2.25 in China, respectively (Ren et al., 2019). Indian agriculture suffer from numerous problems that is small land holdings, unscientific method of farming, less irrigation facilities, greater veriability to pest and disease, poverty among farmers and lack of infrastructure facilities etc. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Its agriculture sector, economy, and food security status are equally complex. At that time, the criteria of the provision of farmland are based on the number of families and cattle. Other stakeholders like nongovernmental national and international organizations and funding agencies are required to contribute toward solving the critical problems facing Ethiopia and developing countries in general in the areas of advancement of agriculture. major problems of agriculture in ethiopia The aim of this paper is to demonstrate trends and controversies of population growth and . However, agriculture is still the backbone of the country which represents about 33.88% of its GDP (Plecher, 2020). Soil erosion has been one of the country's major problems. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If critical issues are not addressed the food price inflation creates political instability, disorder, chaos, unemployment, malnutrition, hunger, poverty, imbalance, and inefficient resource distributions among the nations which may lead to migration. The country misused these gifted natural resources in agricultural activities possibly mainly due to the political unrest characterized by the frequent war that weakened the economy rather than focused on development. In addition, the country's agriculture highly depends on rain-fed. According to the most recent studies, 842 million people or 12 percent of the world's population were unable to meet their . The country is endowed with ample water resources in central, western, and southwestern parts, except dry parts of the northeastern and eastern parts which may even be supplied from the water-rich areas of the country. WEAKNESSES. Land constraints and agricultural intensification in Ethiopia: A village-level analysis of high-potential areas. For instance, waterlogging is highly problematic in Vertisols of the highlands while salinity is in lowland areas of the country (Merga & Ahmed, 2019). Although industrialized agriculture has been successful in producing large quantities of food, the future of food production is in jeopardy due to problems in agriculture. What are the major problem of agriculture in Ethiopia? A little modification has been made to bring internal transformation in the thinking and working habit of the people in the past century. Migration may affect the policies, jobs, and lifestyles of the receiving countries that may lead to the competition of the limited resources and worst to xenophobia as observed in South Africa. Therefore, liberalizing the land market by lifting the land contract restrictions can enhance the exchange of land among rural households (Belay et al., 2017). Cultivating effective. These led to soil fertility depletion and crop productivity reduction in the country by different soil degradation agents. Ethiopia is known as the water tower of East Africa. Two of the most. Data on export values of major agricultural exports, exchange rate, gross domestic product and labour force were obtained from FAO, while data on total export and total import values were collected from the annual report of the National Bank of Ethiopia. Bureaucracy and ill management is another (may be the second biggest) top problem the country is facing. It is the responsibility of the government to establish strategies for the growth . Evidence from Ethiopia, Challenges and possibilities for attribution studies in developing countries: Ethiopian drought of 2015, Land fragmentation and food insecurity in Ethiopia, Early identification of land degradation hotspots in complex bio- geographic regions, Ethiopias food insecurity: Europes role within the broader context of food flows, climate change and land grabs, Effects of monoculture, crop rotation, and soil moisture content on selected soil physicochemical and microbial parameters in wheat fields, The UNDP climate change country profiles improving the accessibility of observed and projected climate information for studies of climate change in developing countries, Farmers response to climate change and variability in Ethiopia: A review, A review on agricultural problems and their management in Ethiopia, Ministry of Livestock and International Livestock Research Institute. Agriculture is the mainstay of Ethiopian economy involving major source of employment and gross national product. MoFAN (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands). What are the two types of dynamic programming? This is because the land rent becomes unavailable and the government police are also inefficient on this side. IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development). Because many family members will be becoming jobless since the land is not enough to engage them as full-time farmers. These are reducing the farmland and increasing displacement of the farming community. Generally, the landless farmers become at risk in Ethiopia at this moment than the previous feudal systems or before the Derge regime. The deforestation rate in Ethiopia accounts for 1.25% of forest and other woodlands 1.8% annually per year (GFRA (Global Forest Resources Assessment), 2015). Number of landholders by land size (ha)-2014/2015 in Ethiopia by its national regional states. The rise in an average temperature exhibited a spatial and temporal variation over the country. UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification). Therefore, rectifications of the agricultural policies across the country that support the young generation might be important to increase production and productivity (Anriquez & Stloukal, 2008). 36 likes 22,568 views. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Key constraints to agricultural productivity in Ethiopia include low availability of improved or hybrid seed, lack of seed multiplication capacity, low profitability and efficiency of fertilizer use due to the lack of complimentary improved practices and seed, and lack of irrigation and water constraints. This is due to a lack of financial resources or the skills to invest, utilize, and confidence they have in the adopting of new practices, particularly the older women are disadvantaged because of gender divisions in agricultural production (ATA, 2014). In the coming decades, ensuring food security is one of the greatest challenges in Ethiopia. UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development). Land-based adaptation and resilience powered by nature. Ethiopias total export earnings by value increased by 12% from the previous year. The author received no direct funding for this research. IUCN (international union for conservation of nature). It constitutes over 50% of the gross domestic product (GDP), accounts for over 85% of the labour force and earns over 90% of the foreign exchange [2]. It improves the drastic cuts in economy-wide and agricultural fossil fuel use by addressing climate change, prevent emerging transboundary agricultural threats like pests and natural hazards, which affects all ecosystems and every aspect of human life through International collaboration (FAO, 2017). Illiteracy is another major reason why Ethiopia wallows in poverty. The vast majorities of smallholder farmers of Ethiopia living in perpetually substandard conditions, relying on traditional systems, undercapitalized; farm on fragmented land, depleted soil fertility with high competition of pests, and low investment in agricultural inputs (chemical fertilizer, improved seeds, and pesticides) (ATA, 2014). Does aquaculture add resilience to the global food system? This will improve the efficiency of food production, income, and environmental co-benefits (FAO, 2015). The future focus of the Ethiopian government and people will be investing in infrastructure including the promotion of water development technologies, especially investing in irrigation that provides an opportunity to improve the productivity of land and labor (Bekele et al., 2007). See answer. The lowlands are vulnerable to increased temperatures and prolonged droughts, while the highlands suffered from more intense and irregular rainfall. Farmland fragmentation in Ethiopia. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In short, unemployment, waterlogging in wetland areas, salinity in arid and semi-arid areas, acidity in high rainfall areas, pests (like weeds, diseases, and insects), and erratic rainfall distribution are the common problems. A research report on land tenure and agricultural development in Ethiopia. Majorly, it focused on the shortage of farmland, climate change, fragmentation and degradation of farmland, unevenly distributed constructions and urbanizations, pests, lack of integration among stakeholders, political instabilities, and its prospects. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Why agriculture is the backbone of Ethiopian economy? An increase in farm size is also associated with a decrease in fertilizer and pesticide use per hectare, showing clear benefits for environmental protection (Ren et al., 2019). Effects of climate variability on development of wheat rust diseases (Puccinia spp.) To determine whether farmers consider termites as one of their problems in growing trees and practices they use to manage termites, short semi-structured questionnaires were distributed to farmers selected randomly. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Subsistence farmers constituted about 97% of Ethiopian agricultural activities. Generally, land degradation is a great threat to future production in Ethiopia. The food demand and price are increased in the recent decade than ever in Ethiopia. Globally, about 3.2 billion people are affected by land degradation ( 2 and 3). By African, standard rural development programme has long history in Ethiopia. These still indicated very little transformation in the utilization of technologies in production. Loss of Arable Land threaten world food supplies, Ethiopia - Average consumer prices inflation rate. It is a serious problem of rural livelihood (Belay et al., 2017). Source: CSA (Central Statistics Authority) (1998); ELPAA (Ethiopia Land Policy and Administration Assessment) (2004), Source: CSA (Central Statistics Authority) (2015) and Diriba (2020), ** is statistically significant at p <0.05. Ethiopia was ranked 92 in the world in Global Hunger Index 2020. 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