Its been a great choice for me! When Alcmene was in labor with Heracles, Hera attempted to stop the childs birth. [52] She is also sometimes associated with cypress, a tree symbolic of death and the underworld, and hence sacred to a number of chthonic deities. ", I am the fire that kisses the shackles away. (accessed January 18, 2023). All storyboards are public and can be viewed and copied by anyone. A competing theory says that Hecate did not develop in Greece at all. [16], A strong possibility for the foreign origin of the name may be Heqet (qt), a frog-headed Egyptian goddess of fertility and childbirth, who, like Hecate, was also associated with q, ruler. Snakes have long been connected with chthonic powers and the uncommon wisdom of the Otherworld. Enodia's very name ("In-the-Road") suggests that she watched over entrances, for it expresses both the possibility that she stood on the main road into a city, keeping an eye on all who entered, and in the road in front of private houses, protecting their inhabitants. In this next example, well look at how you could answer interview questions about your passion when you applied for a customer service position. Once, Hermes chased Hecate (or Persephone) with the aim to rape her; but the goddess snored or roared in anger, frightening him off so that he desisted, hence her earning the name "Brimo" ("angry"). If you only honour Her once in the year, this is the time to do it! Hecate is traditionally worshipped on the eve of the New Moon or the 30th of the month, when 'Hecates Suppers' would be prepared. One of these was the boundary between life and death. at the crossroads [45] Lions are associated with Hecate in early artwork from Asia Minor, as well as later coins and literature, including the Chaldean Oracles. You could explain that this has fascinated you from a young age, and thats one of the reasons you pursued a career in software engineering, web design, or any number of related fields. [148], Strmiska (2005) claimed that Hecate, conflated with the figure of Diana, appears in late antiquity and in the Early Middle Ages as part of an "emerging legend complex" known as "The Society of Diana"[154] associated with gatherings of women, the Moon, and witchcraft that eventually became established "in the area of Northern Italy, southern Germany, and the western Balkans. In the 1st century AD, Ovid wrote: "Look at Hecate, standing guard at the crossroads, one face looking in each direction. The broad categories I've listed are a) Health and Wellbeing b) Learning and Growing c) Work and Service d) Living a Good Life e) Love and Relationships. In particular she was thought to give instruction in these closely related arts. It is presumed that the latter were named after the tree because of its superiority for both bows and poison. In a few cases, Hecate was said to have shared these powers with her most devoted followers. Seeing her friend in pain, Galinthias tricked the Moirai into thinking the child had been born despite their interference. Hekate's Suppers, by K. F. Smith. [86], Over against the sanctuary of Eileithyia is a temple of Hecate [the goddess probably here identified with the apotheosed Iphigenia, and the image is a work of Skopas. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. [65] Hecate's association with Helios in literary sources and especially in cursing magic has been cited as evidence for her lunar nature, although this evidence is pretty late; no artwork before the Roman period connecting Hecate to the Moon exists. Persis and Asteria, two Titans from the generation of deities prior to the Olympians, are the legendary parents of Hecate. You can invoke her while casting a circle or put her statue or a figure on your altar or you can chant a prayer for her. Copy and edit these storyboards and encyclopedia pictures and use them as. Such triple goddesses were common in ancient religions. Greeks focused worship on the more protective aspects of Artemis, goddess that existed on the edges of the Greek, The Norns These three goddesses were the Norse equivalent of the Moirai. [85], The earliest definitive record of Hecate's worship dates to the 6th century B.C.E., in the form of a small terracotta statue of a seated goddess, identified as Hecate in its inscription. All storyboards and images are private and secure. She's ill at ease in cities and civilization. Hecate was born before the Olympian Gods, as the daughter of the Titan Gods, Perses and Asteria. But the version of Hecate that appears in Greek texts is not so straightforward. I take an evening art class once a week and try to find time each weekend to paint. As a result, the goddess of magic remained a major deity in regulating evil spirits in the Underworld. Link will appear as Hecate: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, October 19, 2019, Greek Gods and Goddesses 2010 - 2023 | About | Contact | Sitemap | Privacy, Hecate:, Magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy, None, however in some myths there are various potential offspring mentioned - (Aegialeus, Circe, Empusa, Medea, Scylla). "Hecate: Greece's Dark Goddess of the Crossroads." [90] This sanctuary was called Hecatesion (Shrine of Hecate). the place of choice As worshippers began to focus on one aspect of a god more than others, that gods secondary purposes were separated into another deity altogether. [133], In the earliest written source mentioning Hecate, Hesiod emphasized that she was an only child, the daughter of Perses and Asteria, the sister of Leto (the mother of Artemis and Apollo). Dated to the 7th century BCE, this is one of the oldest known artefacts dedicated to the worship of Hecate. Hecate is a Goddess shrouded in mystery, for there is continuing debate about Her name, origin and character. Then think about why that excites you, or how that fits into your personal interests. [Diviners] spin this sphere and make invocations. Painting is a good way for me to relax after a busy week. These are the biaiothanatoi, aoroi and ataphoi (cf. And you can relate this to practically any job. "[c] Hecate or Hekate is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding a pair of torches, a key, snakes or accompanied by dogs and in later . Open Access Dissertations and heses. ), "A top of Hekate is a golden sphere enclosing a lapis lazuli in its middle that is twisted through a cow-hide leather thong and having engraved letters all over it. And she is good to stand by horsemen, whom she will: and to those whose business is in the grey discomfortable sea, and who pray to Hecate and the loud-crashing Earth-Shaker, easily the glorious goddess gives great catch, and easily she takes it away as soon as seen, if so she will. Ovid writes that Hecate could be conjured up from darkness "with long howls." Hecate fled to Earth and hid in the house of a woman who had just given birth. I feel like I have more energy when I return to the office on Mondays if Ive spent some time outdoors on the weekend.. what is hecate passionate about. [48], Hecate was closely associated with plant lore and the concoction of medicines and poisons. Local sun goddesses from before the Greek era have many of the same attributes as those later associated with Hecate. Berg's argument for a Greek origin rests on three main points: "In 340 B.C., however, the Byzantines, with the aid of the Athenians, withstood a siege successfully, an occurrence the more remarkable as they were attacked by the greatest general of the age, Philip of Macedon. Hecate henceforth acts as a guide for Persephone on Her journeys between the worlds. In the Argolid, near the shrine of the Dioscuri, Pausanias saw the temple of Hecate opposite the sanctuary of Eileithyia; He reported the image to be the work of Scopas, stating further, "This one is of stone, while the bronze images opposite, also of Hecate, were made respectively by Polycleitus and his brother Naucydes, son of Mothon. [75] In one version of Hecate's parentage, she is the daughter of Perses not the son of Crius but the son of Helios, whose mother is the Oceanid Perse. They are sometimes represented with the familiar aspects of the maiden, mother, and crone. I am the chrysalis in which you will face that which terrifies you and from which you will blossom forth, vibrant and renewed. [3] Her fight with the Giant appears in a number of ancient vase paintings and other artwork. Personal Growth. Generally speaking, if you want to be passionate about something in life, you need to understand yourself first. For example, they might say, Wow, thats great. Black dogs were once sacrificed to Her in purification rituals, and Hecate could manifest as a dog. [Hekate] teaches the, Although usually the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, as in, Magliocco, Sabina. She was a goddess of magic and the underworld, but she was also a protector of the home and a guardian of borders. [79] Mooney however notes that when it comes to the nymph Perse herself, there's no evidence of her actually being a moon goddess on her own right. Teachers may opt to lower the security if they want to allow sharing. [13][89] There was an area sacred to Hecate in the precincts of the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, where the priests, megabyzi, officiated. only one can you choose While this sculpture has not survived to the present day, numerous later copies are extant. 'She who works Her will' is the most commonly accepted, but 'the far-off one' or 'far-darting one' is also suggested. She was increasingly depicted as roaming the earth on moonless nights in the company of baying dogs and the hungry spirits of those dead who were not ready to die, those who were murdered or not given appropriate burial rites. What is my passion? Demeters beloved daughter Persephone, the Goddess of spring, was playing in the meadows when Hades emerged from the Underworld and captured Her. Next, lets look at an example answer for people who are in a job thats tougher to explain passion for. which? The ancient grove near Lake Averno in Italy has long been sacred to Hecate. Aradia in Sardinia: The Archaeology of a Folk Character. The main purpose of the Deipnon was to honour Hecate and to placate the souls in her wake who "longed for vengeance., Learn more about Egyptian, Norse, and Greek, *(This Will Start a 2-Week Free Trial - No Credit Card Needed). Know me. Regula, deTraci. A popular story among the Greeks was that the dog that accompanied Hecate was the Trojan queen Hecuba. Dogs, with puppies often mentioned, were offered to Hecate at crossroads, which were sacred to the goddess. This incense is the perfect incense to enhance your luck and wealth. When Demeter realized that Persephone had eaten six pomegranate seeds in the Underworld and would have to spend six months of every year there, Hecate agreed to be her companion and friend for the time she with Hades. Note that in this answer, youre describing how your passion relates to your industry overall. [31], The east frieze of a Hellenistic temple of hers at Lagina shows her helping protect the newborn Zeus from his father Cronus; this frieze is the only evidence of Hecate's involvement in the myth of his birth. Lewis Richard Farnell, (1896). When Philip of Macedon was about to attack the city, according to the legend she alerted the townspeople with her ever present torches, and with her pack of dogs, which served as her constant companions. Venture into the dark so that you may awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness. Get our free PDF with thetop 30 interview questions and answers. One thing that Im passionate about is healthy living and healthy eating. Mooney, Carol M., "Hekate: Her Role and Character in Greek Literature from before the Fifth Century B.C." Trade, colonization, and migration resulted in a great deal of cultural exchange between the two regions. They also are hoping to get to know a bit about you as a person. Several poisons and hallucinogens are linked to Hecate, including belladonna, hemlock, mandrake, aconite (Classically known as hecateis), and opium poppy. Read on to find out more about Greeces most mystical goddess! I am the Healer of all wounds, the Warrior who rights all wrongs in their Time. She was said to have saved the city from Philip II of Macedon, warning the citizens of a night time attack by a light in the sky, for which she was known as Hecate Lampadephoros. Close. A mysterious goddess of sorcery, necromancy, and ghosts, Greek Goddess Hecate is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing characters in all of Greek mythology! The author can choose to leave the storyboard public or mark it as Unlisted. Carole Raddato/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 2.0. Hecate knew what had happened: Hecate reveals the truth to Demeter, and together they go to try and rescue Persephone. Hecate heard Persephones scream and set out on a search for nine days and nine nights. These three goddesses are also linked in the Mystery cults. Of course, as the goddess of boundaries she had the power to let things in as well as keep them out. Well cover that, too. So if you like this approach, then this next example is for you: Im really passionate about hiking and being outdoors. [59], This function would appear to have some relationship with the iconographic association of Hecate with keys, and might also relate to her appearance with two torches, which when positioned on either side of a gate or door illuminated the immediate area and allowed visitors to be identified. ", deEste, Sorita. It is the longest living creature in Europe, and naturally 'resurrects' itself: As the central trunk dies, a new tree grows within the rotting core. As early as the 5th century BC, the image of the hekataion was the standard way of showing the goddess in sculpture. It even appears in Christianity, with the gospels placing three Marys at both the Crucifixion and Christs tomb. [163], As a "goddess of witchcraft", Hecate has been incorporated in various systems of modern witchcraft, Wicca, and neopaganism,[164] in some cases associated with the Wild Hunt of Germanic tradition,[165] in others as part of a reconstruction of specifically Greek polytheism, in English also known as "Hellenismos". [10] A 4thcenturyBCE marble relief from Crannon in Thessaly was dedicated by a race-horse owner. Hecate is defined by her powerful magic, being at ease with the night and darkness and in wild surroundings. The tale is preserved in the Suda. Were the two aspects associated or confused in some way? This line of reasoning lies behind the widely accepted hypothesis that she was a foreign deity who was incorporated into the Greek pantheon. In Hesiod she is the daughter of the Titan Perses and the nymph Asteria and has power over heaven, earth, and sea; hence, she bestows wealth and all the blessings of daily life. So if you really dont feel like answering with a work-related passion, then you can give an answer like the example we covered. If you only honour Her once in the year, this is the time to do it! One of Hecates frequent animal companions, and the one that shes most often depicted with, was a black dog. This practice may have derived from Hecates close relationship to Artemis. In later myths, She is represented as a daughter of Zeus who rules the Underworld and the waning Moon. English translation used here from: William Wynn Wescott (tr. This could be: Working with technology, solving interesting technical challenges, helping people, making a difference in peoples lives, helping people live healthier lives, etc. She was also associated with some of the most revered and respected goddesses of Olympus. Hecate is also sometimes interpreted in association with Artemis and Selene. The best way to decide which passion to name is to look at the job/industry, and work backward by thinking about what excites you and interests you in that job. Most of all, Hecate was a goddess of mystery. In the next example, well look at how to talk about how your passion relates to the specific role. [18], Hecate possibly originated among the Carians of Anatolia,[6] the region where most theophoric names invoking Hecate, such as Hecataeus or Hecatomnus, the father of Mausolus, are attested,[19] and where Hecate remained a Great Goddess into historical times, at her unrivalled[b] Larger Hekataions, often enclosed within small walled areas, were sometimes placed at public crossroads near important sites for example, there was one on the road leading to the Acropolis. She is a Chthonic deity and one of the Titans who allied with the Olympian Gods in the Titanomachy (Titan Wars), and remains a loyal ally to them ever since. Phoenix, 24(4), 283295. Ideally, relate this to the job, too. Hecate was the daughter of Perses and Asteria, although some versions of her myth also call her the daughter of Zeus. Images of her attended by a dog[35] are also found at times when she is shown as in her role as mother goddess with child, and when she is depicted alongside the god Hermes and the goddess Cybele in reliefs. I sit in the blackness of the The Deipnon is always followed the next day by the Noumenia,[103] when the first sliver of the sunlit Moon is visible, and then the Agathos Daimon the day after that. The Greek name of Hecate may derive from an earlier Egyptian frog-headed goddess called Heqet, who ruled over magic and fertility and was a favorite of women. [98] According to Hesychius of Miletus there was once a statue of Hecate at the site of the Hippodrome in Constantinople. They are associated with certain ideas, occupations, or stages of life. Biron Clark is a former executive recruiter who has worked individually with hundreds of job seekers, reviewed thousands of resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and recruited for top venture-backed startups and Fortune 500 companies. [117], Hesiod's inclusion and praise of Hecate in the Theogony has been troublesome for scholars, in that he seems to hold her in high regard, while the testimony of other writers, and surviving evidence, suggests that this may have been the exception. She had good company in this regard, with other protective deities being Zeus, ruler of the gods, and Hermes, the herald of the gods. After crossing the RiverStyx, a newly dead ancient Greek soul found themselves at a place where three roads meet to be judged. Hecate was greatly worshipped in Byzantium. Hecate became an aspect of the Triple Moon Goddess Diana (the Full moon, associated with Earth), Proserpina (the lunar phases, associated with Heaven), and Hecate (the New moon, associated with the Underworld.). 394 K), Antiphanes, in Athenaeus, 358 F; Aristophanes, Plutus, 596. Athenian Greeks used the evening meal, known as Deipnon, to honor Hecate. Greek pantheon was once much smaller than we know. While Hecate was described as a single goddess with three parts, the tripartite goddess in other instances was shown as three separate but intrinsically-linked beings. (2009). This was a terrible fate. During this time Hecates power was still recognized: Zeus gave Her dominion over Heaven, Earth and Sea, and they shared the right to grant or withhold gifts from humanity. She is good in the byre with Hermes to increase the stock. The Charites (Graces) and Horai (Seasons) were also trios of minor goddesses in Greek mythology. In many traditions, this is where suicides and criminals were buried. Either approach is completely fine, though! What is hecate passionate about. Remember that whatever is given to Hecate cannot be reclaimed, so don't use your best china. Hecate: Greece's Dark Goddess of the Crossroads. Great honor comes full easily to him whose prayers the goddess receives favorably, and she bestows wealth upon him; for the power surely is with her. If Hecate's cult spread from Anatolia into Greece, then it possibly presented a conflict, as her role was already filled by other more prominent deities in the Greek pantheon, above all by Artemis and Selene. She is often pictured holding keys because, as the goddess of boundaries, she held the power to open and close the doors to the realm of Hades. They arent necessarily work-related, but if you can find something work-related that youre also passionate about, then that makes the best interview answer. She convinced her daughter Eiliethyia, the goddess of childbirth, and the Moirai, the Fates, to prevent the birth. As the worship of Artemis evolved over time, the Greeks began to focus more on her purity and positive aspects. Other than in the Theogony, the Greek sources do not offer a consistent story of her parentage or of her relations in the Greek pantheon. Pp. She was both a product of the Titans and an honored member of Zeuss court at Olympus. She was a goddess that could be both a protective guardian and a source of menace. In Egyptian-inspired Greek esoteric writings connected with Hermes Trismegistus, and in the Greek Magical Papyri of Late Antiquity, Hecate is described as having three heads: one dog, one serpent, and one horse. She convinced Her daughter Eiliethyia, the Greeks began to focus more Her... Respected goddesses of Olympus, known as Deipnon, to honor Hecate evening meal, known as Deipnon, prevent. Were also trios of minor goddesses in Greek texts is not so.. 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