Together we can strengthen one another in love and so help build and protect the bride of Christ, His church. He still needs to come back to fulfill the last 3. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [a]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 3) Refer to 119 Ministries teaching entitled What is New about the New Covenant? This is all youre getting from me. Unfortunately we simply cannot read Genesis through Revelation and then decided to leave these parts out. Yeshua states He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Fathers who sent Me., Now turn to James 1:21-25 to see another clear passage on not continuing in sin AND obeying, Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. James is right. Paul hard to understand? I do not doubt there are those that teach you MUST do the commandments in order to be saved. Obedience is the truest form of worship. They are more incorrect than the HR people and the whole reason Christianity thinks they can behave like pagans and still be saved. I tried looking up the definition of cult in the 1828 Websters dictionary, (to dispel political correct definitions) and I find no result. However, if the Hebrew Roots Movement is truly from God, neither you nor anyone else will be able to stop it. I listen to 119 ministries, they are very humble servants of Yah, they teach the truth that churches never taught us,.. The thread being weaved throughout their teaching is that we are to teach all nations to obey the law of Moses. 39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them; you might even find yourselves fighting God!. I do believe that it is possible to be a third option or a 4th I just havent seen any presented that fit the immediate context of that passage or the greater context of the surrounding context. Its just such an affront to our pride that wants to be able to have SOMETHING we can do that God would find righteous value in; and yet, its all Christ. In fact, I tell most of the Italian students in the English class I teach that the God of Israel did a superb job of confusing the languages earths inhabitants. But, the Hebrew word torah simply means instruction or teaching. In the Tanakh, Torah refers to the first five books written by Moses. I can tell you, what he revealed to me rocked me to my core! Peoples pride refuses to submit because God will not give the grace to a prideful person, only a humbled, repented one. -Galatians 3:2-3. Hmmmm.. YHWH is salvation / Messiah is salvation / YHWH=salvation=Jesus therefore Messiahs commands are Gods commands and vice versa. Why do you think the apostles had to write so many letters? Who ever teaches men to go against his ways, will be considered the least in the kingdom. Loving your neighbor: Also done by keeping the Torah. If you are truly willing to test what you believe, try reading the scriptures without applying a particular bias. Now this whole topic revolves around Are the teaching of 119 ministers true to Gods word or not? I will start my debate by stating, I believed every teaching of 119 ministers to are accurate and meant for the purpose of bringing true followers of Jesus closer in their relationship with God. And how is it wrong to keep the Sabbath that God told us to keep (not Rome) especially when the Apostle are noted in 8 different places in the Epistles of KEEPING the 7th day Sabbath. Therefore study to show yourself approved by God. This is what happened at Sinai. As a Messianic Jew, I can tell you that the word unclean used to denote animals that are not fit to eat means TOXIC. This is not the will of the father and he wants his people to desire to keep his word and commandments not feel as if they have to or because it makes you look good and holy. Does that change the truth about the gospel and the Church? Jesus couldnt even do that you know. Some will make the analogy that we are pouring out an ointment to Jesus but if I do the truth ..Jesus did not need a new easter dress nor an easter basket , etc. Your allegiance is not to the Scriptures; its to your fringy male supremacist views that you try to force INTO the Scriptures. The stuff in the Torah just lays out examples of what to do in different situations. These other ministers of the Gospel are very quick to show their true nature in the way they present themselves just like a wolf venomously biting and ripping into the flesh of other believers. We simply study His Word and teach what we believe to be truth. Freedom comes through Yeshua and obeying Yahwehs instruction through the empowering Holy Spiritthe extravagant grand design of the One and Only God interwoven throughout His Book. Names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving our nation. Just the opposite, they have demonstrated time and again, through the scriptures, that following the Law is simply the response after being saved by grace. Centuries of anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish false doctrines, doing everything in their power to keep my people as far away as possible from accepting the truth of Yeshua as being the living Torah, in flesh and blood. If you know that he is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of him.. Not the man way. **THE BOOK OF HEBREWS needs to be read very carefully along with a few different concordances. Do you know about the Bar Khokhba revolt? the tenant given to buffet our flesh until the Seed came)? If you had the spirit of the father you would have works that follow your faith, as both James and John wrote in their letters. If you claim the law/torah/Gods instructions have been done away with then you must throw out the book of revelation and many other passages that make up the NT. Well, Jesus, actually fulfilled many many many Biblical prophecies. As in the rest of the entire New Testament, there is NO direct teaching of old covenant keeping here. What they fail to realize is that we didnt create the separation between Israelites and gentiles (goyim, in Hebrew). Your pejorative idea that speaking Hebrew words is a prideful thing of knowledge and warning of it being a spirit one take by exercising Jewish things. And that is a big reason why there is so many people who Im sorry to say? These command are not brand-new: You shall love the Lord your God (Deut 6:4) along with You shall love your neighbour as yourself (Lev 19:18). Which further down in Romans explains clearly that He freed us from the law of sin and death.not from the Law of God. Why did Yahweh give commands? He doesnt at all say the words hes saying are from the words given long ago by the Father. Answer. 18 And keep growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. So Ill trust Jesuss straightforward words above what people who dont understand Paul claim Paul says and then build doctrines around Pauls words that contradict Jesus himself. The only thing wrong is when someone says You MUST! Where Jesus says, Youre free! As free as I am to eat pork, you are free not to. Prayerfully study and be willing to change (accept the truth when it is starring you down). How much more severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he WAS SANCTIFIED, and has insulted the Holy Spirit of grace? ( Hebrews 10:29) Do what is right for you and your family. . Thanks . I speak Hebrew words which lifts me up in pride through my knowledge . I did, and I found their teaching woefully errant. The flavor of 119 is elitist and attempts to, at the very least, demean those who oppose them and quite possible damning the same. The gnostics thought they were special or had special knowledge apart from orthodox Christians . After some lengthy and fiery debates recently on Youtube, with some who are claiming that the Apostle Paul is a liar and a false prophet, yet would have us obey the Commandments (just as I thought!). So sad to have their mind so turned around. Your message is based on a theme of defeatism and pessimism that the Gospel will not be successful in winning the world for Christ. This is such an opposition to the nature of God. "Further, an end time prophet can come along with new revelation, filling in needed details missing from the Bible to finally solve the riddle of what does the 7 sabbath year begin again according to Israel? Oh, and one more thing did it escape your notice that God kills men who sin against Him (Leviticus 20 being the most recent example)? 5 The light shines in the darkness, Faith with out works is dead. And the same word owlam is used for the feasts as we see in, And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance FOR EVER., *note the word for ever is the Hebrew word owlam. from the beginning. I know you are familiar with the word, as many are. I stayed away from all churches and decided to read scripture for what is was The WORD of the Living God. Well, since Yeshua often quoted from the Book of Isaiah, heres another quote for you. He was never against what was written in the Torah or the Prophets or the Writings, especially since he is the living Tanakh. See 2 Peter 3:16. But if you dont fully understand the OT properly, of course you claim what you do. I think what most people dont understand is there is a difference between salvation (saved by grace through faith) and HOW we are to live our lives AFTER we become believers. It is NEVER used in the sense of no longer making the law of God applicable. And it is a real stretch in translation to use pleroo in the sense of fully preaching or teaching. All of Judaism and Christendom are historically patriarchal. What I said was true and the truth does not care what I think about it . I pray there will be no more bickering over opinions here. How much more severer punishment he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant he WAS SANCTIFIED, and has insulted the Holy Spirit of grace? ( Hebrews 10:29) So I have had to resort to mostly praying. Yes, youre correct. This tells me that youve never even considered the lexical data. franklin township library jobs. go look at the Septuagint in the Greek and you will see that where Israel is mentioned it is the SAME word used there in Greek in the Septuagint as was used in the Greek NT and MIStranslated into church. So why then, would 119 Ministries be deceiving people, if theyre trying to help people follow the Bible better? And some of us listen to God. You will be amazed the lenses removed as you remove Roman syncretism of the Hebrew faith when you approach it from the Hebraic perspective it is. And I have watched these same people go from belief to belief. Tovia will debate with anyone, any Christian pastor except Dr Brown. So we still FOLLOW Gods laws..we just are not condemned for breaking them now.we had a substitute for that curse of death, someone who led a perfect life free of sin.showing it IS possible..who is now our HIGH PRIEST.and we can approach Gods throne DIRECTLY now because of His Jesus unblemished sacrifice for us.before, under the old and done away with covenant. Afterward we were laughing about it and commenting how we just loved it. LOL Remember the scripture where Yah says people steal from HIM? Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.. I think too many have forgotten what it means TO love. (The fact that you rely on Strongs and Websters reveals you likely have no clue.) How are you? I would be far more concerned with the Emergent Church and their blending of pagan mystical ways in their worship and those who think all their future sins are already forgiven so forget repentance and go ahead and live in immodesty, materialism, sexual perversion, etc. (paraphrased). May the hand of YHVH keep us safe! The red flags are when your pastor asks for money and calls it tithing. What?!?!?!?! 1 Cor. I appreciate our roots and try to understand the history and the reason on some of these festivals , etc. I believe the use of Pleroo here is to fully teach or rightly teach because this is exactly what Jesus continually did, and we have countless examples of him doing this. Get a taste for the real calling on Adam then we can talk. He can do things he couldnt do before, he can go places he couldnt go to before. When you actually dig into nuances of the Greek term, you discover that it does not always imply submission (obedience) to an authority, and in the context of Pauls letter actually has the sense of voluntary servanthood. Believers are to have faith AND obey Gods commandments, which includes observing His sabbaths (BTW the sabbath is not just about going to church on Saturday) and His feasts which are Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Atonement, Tabernacles, etc. Once the church sees who it really is and how Christ is now riding through history with his Army, defeating the enemy in every realm of life.. we will come alive and realize these are the Days of Vengeance (justice). In the Days of Noah, the NEPHILIM(giants) wreaked havoc and were destroyed by the flood. I know exactly what you are saying, I was taught that too in the Christian churches. -Luke 10:21, And regarding the at least they will still see heaven No they wont. All religions are man made. Because of its use in other places in the Gospels the meaning is all those alive at that time. I remember when I was attending a protestant church many years ago and there was a revival service Each night , we looked at different cults .and what they believed ..Jehovahs Witness one night Mormons another night , etc. Either God is perfect or he isnt. Brandon assured him that stoning as commanded by the Law can only take place under the existence of the Temple and corresponding judicial system. I believe myself to be led by the Holy Spirit and believe Jesus to be the only way to Salvation and to know the father. The group's name is a reference to Psalm 119, which speaks in depth about following God's Law. Right after ditching man-made sacred traditions, we started doing our own focused testing of Scripture and lo and behold, it always speaks truth to itself. Stop wasting your time with your opinions, especially negative and read and GOOGLE things, look for other believers (That one is tough atleast where I live). You might be surprised what you see when you read to seek truth. 3) Please stop the great misrepresentation of claiming that those who try to follow JESUS by living as he lived are doing this TO BE SAVED. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (Revelation 3:9), We ARE Spiritual Israel, grafted into the Olive Tree and TOGETHER are the Body of Christ. Once the sin was revealed by the Law, it shows/proves our need for a Savior. I must have misunderstood your initial point in your post. Do yourselves a favor and stop being lazy believers, wanting everything handed to you on a silver platter. 37 After this, Yhudah HaGlili led another uprising, back at the time of the enrollment for the Roman tax; and he got some people to defect to him. They are teachers of the Hebrew Roots cult. I still do not have the time,however, I wish to keep this dialogue open, so I must briefly attempt to answer your questions. This is how you are to rid your community of this wickedness. 22 But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. Simply put, they are daring us believers to return to the original Way and examine for themselves Yahwehs true instructions for us to simply love and obey Him while also loving others. Rather, much to the contrary! But please dont let that deter you! Id encourage you to read that simultaneously with Gal. 119 Updates (Weekly Mailing List Sign Up), Hebrew Roots 102 - Clearing the Confusion. Quickly on the first page, 119 Ministries re-defines the meaning of torah and restricts the reader to two illegitimate choices to follow throughout the remainder of the teaching. If a storm comes its the rules that keep the storm at bay. Thank you ! You will actually see the Torah come alive. Check Jeremiah for that answer. It is you who fail to take all of Scripture into account. Truly Question-Test everything! I start by praying for protection and then ask for wisdom and for the truth to be clear. They are the ones Im giving your now. Your succinct comments in 2. above are well stated and true, as I understand and believe. We want to please our Father/Bridegroom-to-be dont we? Just a thought. I study Hebrew (all stages of the Hebrew Language) as well as Koine Greek. I will check the settings, but Im not sure thats something I can set on my end. It is and always has been an act of holiness at whatever level of holiness someone is partaking. So yes. They are binding to those that consecrate themselves to the Most High, you dont have to approve, you dont have to partake, but to say it is not of God would be a grave error. Why is Revelations mysterious overlooked star Wormwood (Rev 6-8) the key to understanding Revelation? Sean .I realize I am going to give an account for my every word . Im sorry, but with all due respect, there is no comparison whatsoever between the Hebrew word Torah and the Greek word nomos. It is a return to the true word of God, exactly what Yeshua preached throughout the Nation of Israel. But rather, by our faith in Christ, we are saved, and that should result in obedience, because we have been saved from breaking the Law. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are actually many articles you posted that I disagree with, and there are many you have posted that are flat out false. After all I am right and if say you are Christian and are not like me you MUST be WRONG maybe we are all wrong. It is absolutely about salvation for I am afraid where this will lead of secular Israel and the rebuilding of the temple and animal sacrifices rebuilding what was destroyed and replaced ..forsaking the substance for the shadow and calling it sanctification . I believe Paul and all the Apostles continue to teach this in their writings. 31 The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. Sean was prepared and did a great job refuting the HRM. Different altogether. Jesus said if you love me then DO the what the Father has showed us to DO. A cult is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. There is usually a self-appointed prophet or apostle that **CANNOT BE QUESTIONED OR CHALLENGED** on their authority of their religious belief. Thats just what I interpreted from your post. Please stop reacting and listen. There would be no judgement or pressing that you must do this or do that. In my 30s I became a Christian, thinking that it was a Greek word meaning a follower of the Messiah. Can you tell one of his teachings you disagree with and show me how its scripturally inaccurate? I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not knelt down to Baal.[d] 5 Its the same way in the present age: there is a remnant, chosen by grace. If you follow after the commandments of God, does that make you a Judaiser? Again, perhaps we just view them differently. I blow the shofar and we have our portable mini-menorah so that we can hold meetings in peoples homes if they are unable to come visit us during Shabbat. Nevertheless, I am comforted that God enjoys His ecclesia recognizing a weekly time of rest and worship. For if I hate my brother who I have seen, then how can I love God, whom I havent seen? So remember the words of Rav Gamliel, a teacher of the Torah highly respected by all the people, as he stood before the Sanhedrin and addressed the court: Men of Israel, take care what you do to these people. His death was what now allows me to live. The LORD is patience he doest not want to loose one soul.but there will come a time the door will shut..I say to all pray ,pray,pray for the knowledge of is right there in the cant miss it. Consider that Moses was righteous in the eyes of Elohim. What was this supposed to do for me Randall? Naturally me and that child have a closer relationship because they show their love by showing their obedience. -Matthew 10:18 ALEPH. Time is running out, Leah. He never sinned, and He was crucified for following and teaching Gods commandments better than anyone else! I, like the Bible prophets of old, am serving the God of Israel, the God of my Hebrew ancestors, while many of you run the risk of being deceived into serving the god of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church; a political organization which claims to have the power to add to and subtract from the Holy Scriptures, much like the scribes and the Pharisees of Yeshuas day with their Traditions of the Elders. 2. And lastly, NOBODY in the HR movement rightly claims to be earning their salvation by following Gods perfect instructions. Our teachings are simply the result of our passion for the Word and our Creator. He was a tent maker. Are political parties CULTS in your view? Were dead to it and alive to a Person, Jesus our Messiah. More than once, I have addressed them, both privately and publicly. I am okay with practicing Hanukkah and Purim, but they cant have it both ways, I now attend a Messianic Jewish congregation. According to your faulty logic, Yeshua the Messiah went through all of that agony on the cross so that you would have the freedom to poison yourself. In an unbelievable twist, the teaching conveniently re-defines law (Greek word nomos) through meandering logic to mean the law of sin and death. in order to convert him). , Here it is: (2Pe 3:14) So then, beloved ones, looking forward to this, do your utmost to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, With that said, be careful and study to show yourself approved. Have heaven and earth passed away yet? Romans 8:2 ALSO the PROPHECY of the New Covenant was made for Israel and Judah (no gentiles mentioned) according to the Jeremiah. In case someone did notice, yes I am judging you.. And if the root is holy, so are the branches. Finally, your attempt to school me on understanding Paul in the context of the passage itself and how his original readers would have understood the term is laughable when you refuse to consider that your fanciful understanding of Lev. so we take into consideration what Paul speaks in Rom 14; I will paraphrase if there are those weak in faith do not quarrel with them. For more on what we believe, please see this. (others have different spellings and pronunciations for his name, same as for the Father, Yahuah). I suggest using bold for the rebuttals. The works of Abraham was not only circumcision, but in fact, the whole Torah. Its something the Holy Spirit can discern & instruct per believer. Could it be fear? You are CHOOSING to dismiss that evidence based on a conspiracy theory. NO, devil-worshipping, unrepentant, worldly JEW will EVER be the least one of My followers UNTIL they repent and are born from above. no one in their proper mind will say its ok to murder because you are covered by grace This is an obvious commandment, no one would say it is ok now to have your way with others you are not married to These are easy And are commonly part of weekly sermons across the country, These are often referred to as moral laws and of course we keep these! So now that I have a like-minded brother in Christ, I am truly interested to know how you reconcile the teachings of 119 Ministries (as I understand them presented above) to your stated beliefs in your earlier reply. Thanks for your post. Jesus is, then, truly present in the tabernacle in the sanctuary of each Catholic Church. Their vocabularies didnt contain a word that could even come close to Torah (instructions, commandments, laws, ordinances, rulings). 36 Some time ago, there was a rebellion under Todah, who claimed to be somebody special; and a number of men, maybe four hundred, rallied behind him. 10:19. I ask only that you do the very same thing. This was done at the crossing over to the promise land. They talk about salvation, yet they dont know what they need saving from. Pray about that one. I have been many times I was in a cult Good for me My initial assumption appears to have been wrongyou are intellectually dishonest and willfully dismissing evidence that goes against your views. Hebrew Roots was all they knew until the Emperor Constantine and his mother started playing havoc with the Messianic Community in order to save what was left of his crumbling empire. This argument has nothing really to do with (Shamar) keeping the Sabbath. I have seen many people who call themselves believers and live like the world; they are not set apart by any means and they continue in sin = they trample on the grace of God for occasions of the flesh over & over again. OK . 119 never claims to be rightthey simply invite consideration and our own meticulous complete Scripture testing. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Walking in the Spirit means following the Torah. In John 15:10-12, Jesus said, If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Fathers commandments and abide in his love. Emotionless through this 119 teaching. Look outside you window, Leah, and youll plainly see that heaven and earth havent passed away yet. We believe our Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) taught the Torah and obeyed it perfectly. You should be more concerned about those headed towards atheism because Christianity is so confusing to them with tens of thousands of denominations all claiming correct revelation from Gods Holy Spirit yet disagreeing with each other. Of God he freed us from the law, it shows/proves our need for a Savior why is Revelations overlooked. Buffet our flesh until the Seed came ) God, whom I havent seen someone. It was a Greek word meaning a follower of the entire New Testament, there is a return to true... Icon to log in: you are CHOOSING to dismiss that evidence based on theme. Debate with anyone, any Christian pastor except Dr Brown claims to be clear of... All nations to obey the law of God, rulings ) is you who fail to take of... You likely have no clue. I became a Christian, thinking it. Accept the truth does not care what I said was true and the Church taught us..! Never taught us, sin and death.not from the words hes saying are from law. 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